Tuesday, September 4, 2012

The reason we do research

It is interesting to learn about the developments of new media research using the concepts and theories from economic perspectives. Actually, I think these concepts were applied and did make some contribution to Taiwan’s telecommunications industries. Taiwan opened its telecommunication market, privatized the national telecommunication company (Chung Hua Telecommunication) and introduced the Mobile services in late 1990.  Almost all of the media/telecom laws and regulations have to be revised. Most of the concepts which were mentioned in the chapter of the Küng et al. book were considered or implemented into the related regulations and thus effect Taiwan’s media/telecommunication industry directly.

What is the most important goal of a research? If a research meets all of the requirements of a “scientific research”, but does not provide any help in the real world, it should not be encouraged. However, I think social science has difficulty in defending itself compared with “hard science”. Borrowing the method from hard science should be a good way to conduct and develop the social science research. But there are some innate differences between social science and hard science which cannot be eliminated. Social science should not always yield to the hard science rule. Just like GRAY MATTER said in the article: Rather than attempt to imitate the hard sciences, social scientists would be better off doing what they do best: thinking deeply about what prompts human beings to behave the way they do.

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